

Security policy

Last updated: April 19, 2023

RoomIn is committed to protecting the security of its users' data and to complying with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. This security policy describes how security measures have been implemented to protect user data in the app that uses Firebase.

    1. Data storage and management

    RoomIn uses Firebase to store and manage user data. Firebase takes care of the security of the data stored on its platform, including encryption of data at rest and in transit, as well as user authentication and data access control.

    2. Authentication and authorization of users

    RoomIn uses Firebase Authentication to authenticate and authorize application users. Firebase Authentication uses secure authentication protocols to ensure that only authorized users have access to the application.

    3. Access control

    RoomIn uses Firebase to control access to the app's data and resources. Firebase provides access control tools, such as Firebase Security Rules, that let you define access rules for your app's data and resources to ensure that only authorized users have access to them.

    4. Security audit

    RoomIn continuously monitors the security of the application using Firebase Security Monitoring and Cloud Audit Logging. These tools provide a detailed log of all actions performed on the application, including unauthorized access attempts and security violations.

    5. Safety tests

    RoomIn performs regular security testing using the Firebase Test Lab to ensure that the app has no known security vulnerabilities. Security tests are also performed before each application release to ensure that no new vulnerabilities are introduced.

    6. Security updates

    RoomIn undertakes to update the application regularly to correct detected security vulnerabilities and to implement new security measures when necessary.

    7. Liability

    RoomIn is responsible for the security of user data in the application. If a security breach is detected, affected users will be notified and steps will be taken to address the issue.